Can a divorced Catholic receive holy Communion?

Steven PutmanQandA

Question: Can a divorced Catholic receive holy Communion? Answer: Unfortunately, too many people today — Catholics and non-Catholics alike — mistakenly believe that divorce separates one from the Communion of the Church and that divorced persons … Read More

What is Eucharistic Adoration?

Steven PutmanQandA

Question: What is Eucharistic Adoration? Answer: The practice of Eucharistic Adoration is a centuries old ritual and falls within a broader category of devotions and rituals that are associated with the Sacrament of the Eucharist. In … Read More

Is gambling okay?

Steven PutmanQandA

Question: The Bible says that Jesus condemned gambling, but I notice that so many parishes have them at festivals and other events. What’s correct? Answer: Although Jesus speaks of our relationship with material wealth and the … Read More

What does the Church say about suicide?

Steven PutmanQandA

Question: What does the Church say about suicide? Answer: Unfortunately, despite the Church’s clear teachings in resources like the Catechism of the Catholic Church and the United States Catholic Catechism for Adults, there are still many … Read More

What Happens if Someone Drops a Consecrated Host?

Steven PutmanQandA

Question: What Happens if Someone Drops a Consecrated Host? Answer: Despite our best efforts, and this is as true in our liturgical celebrations as in all of life, accidents happen. Occasionally at Mass, a host may … Read More

Why Does the Church Have Different Liturgical Cycles?

Steven PutmanQandA

Question: Why Does the Church Have Different Liturgical Cycles? Answer: While most Catholics know that the Church Year is divided into various seasons (e.g. Advent, Christmas, Ordinary Time, etc.), many are unaware that the one Church … Read More