Answer: The distinction between chastisement and punishment is, in many ways, a subtle one, but which is still relevant in our Catholic tradition. First, chastisement is a concept that is grounded in Sacred Scripture. Here, … Read More
Are Catholics obligated to attend Mass each Sunday, or receive Communion each Sunday?
Answer: The questions about Mass attendance and the reception of Holy Communion are clearly outlined in what are traditionally called the “Precepts” of the Church. These specific teachings are intended to stand alongside the Ten … Read More
Can a divorced Catholic receive holy Communion?
Question: Can a divorced Catholic receive holy Communion? Answer: Unfortunately, too many people today — Catholics and non-Catholics alike — mistakenly believe that divorce separates one from the Communion of the Church and that divorced persons … Read More
When we say the Penitential Act at Mass, why do we strike our chest three times?
Question: When we say the Penitential Act at Mass, why do we strike our chest three times? Answer: Our rituals and liturgical celebrations are filled with a variety of symbols, some of which also relate to … Read More
What is Eucharistic Adoration?
Question: What is Eucharistic Adoration? Answer: The practice of Eucharistic Adoration is a centuries old ritual and falls within a broader category of devotions and rituals that are associated with the Sacrament of the Eucharist. In … Read More
Is gambling okay?
Question: The Bible says that Jesus condemned gambling, but I notice that so many parishes have them at festivals and other events. What’s correct? Answer: Although Jesus speaks of our relationship with material wealth and the … Read More
What does the Church say about suicide?
Question: What does the Church say about suicide? Answer: Unfortunately, despite the Church’s clear teachings in resources like the Catechism of the Catholic Church and the United States Catholic Catechism for Adults, there are still many … Read More
Why do some people receive Communion in the hand, while others have it put on the tongue?
Question: Why do some people receive Communion in the hand, while others have it put on the tongue? And is one better than the other? Answer: Prior to the liturgical reforms that accompanied the Second … Read More
What Happens if Someone Drops a Consecrated Host?
Question: What Happens if Someone Drops a Consecrated Host? Answer: Despite our best efforts, and this is as true in our liturgical celebrations as in all of life, accidents happen. Occasionally at Mass, a host may … Read More
Why Does the Church Have Different Liturgical Cycles?
Question: Why Does the Church Have Different Liturgical Cycles? Answer: While most Catholics know that the Church Year is divided into various seasons (e.g. Advent, Christmas, Ordinary Time, etc.), many are unaware that the one Church … Read More