In some of the words of his address, Bishop Salvatore Matano noted the many young people (perhaps one to two hundred thousand) who participated at the past January March for Life in Washington, DC. He went on to highlight polls showing that most Americans do not support Abortion on Demand. And he noted the basic principal: “if all human life is not sacred than none is.”
The 70-year-old Bishop of the Rochester Diocese even helped to serve dinner after a full day which included an earlier RCIA (Rite of Christian Initiation) event at St. Mary’s, Horseheads, on Sunday, March 12.
But in his talk, the Most Reverend Matano noted how many people have failed to support the lives of the innocent unborn to be politically correct. Moreover he said that rather than embrace life some seek to terminate it — in fact almost 60 million procedures occurred last year in the USA.
His Reverence also referenced scripture: “What profits a man to gain the whole world and to lose his soul?” In addition he recognized the sad & difficult fact that in standing up for life many people become unpopular with some friends and family members. Still, he asked if less hate has resulted since abortion’s been legalized.
Bishop Matano specifically expressed concern for those who’ve spent their whole life caring for others, only to have their last years robbed by assisted physician suicide. He pointed this out as a particular issue to be mindful of and to work to address appropriately.
Furthermore, he asked that people be supportive of single parents and encourage their efforts because they have accepted the lives of their children. He asked that people not add to idle gossip because single parents are doing all they can to sustain life.
Additionally, the Bishop asked that efforts remain kind to avoid volatile words. He asked us to reach out to others in need and to those who have had abortions. And said that the Church is there to help individuals hurt by abortion.
At a minimum, about 60 people (of all ages and various walks of life) attended including the organizers and leaders (some noted in last paragraph) of Chemung Valley 4 Life which sponsored the event. About five priests including some from Elmira such as Fr. Rick Farrell and Fr. John DeSocio, and priests from Holy Trinity Orthodox Church and St. Nicholas Ukrainian Churches of Elmira were present. Attendants from Chemung, Steuben and Tioga County, NY, were at the event as well as from Bradford County Pa. The annual program was held at St. Mary’s Church Gym, Southside, Elmira, as part of the 5th Annual Sharon Pearte Memorial Dinner.
Along with special recognition to the Bishop, also included are Dr. Stephen Spaulding, John Brennan, Todd Miller, Mike and Bridgett Kane, Tom T. and others. I apologize for anyone I left out for lack of a full story interview and for not being knowledgeable of everyone’s names/spellings. Also announced was that many people are currently involved in the Lenten project of 40-Days for life.
(by Gloria House)