Inspiration – Apr 12

Steven PutmanLiturgy

Our world wants us to believe that life is only what we make of it. Today, we realize how untrue that is. Life is ultimately about what God makes of it, and the resurrection of Jesus reveals this. Alleluia, Christ is risen! Who do you understand yourself to be? What we did yesterday, are doing today, and may do tomorrow pretty much determine how we perceive ourselves. We even perceive Jesus this way in limiting our vision of him to his earthly accomplishments. But, we know through today’s triumphant celebration that Christ is much more than his earthly legacy. The transfigured and resurrected Christ is the beginning, the end, and the fulfillment of all things and every person. All that Jesus did stands in second place to who we now know him to be. Do we realize that this will be our journey too? Christ is risen. Alleluia, alleluia!