Families are complicated systems. They can be the most transforming or the most hurtful of experiences. Our families of origin have a huge claim on who we are and who we will become. While families need to help us fulfill some of our human needs, this cannot be their sole purpose or focus. Healthy and happy families consist of folks who always have their eyes on the needs and best interests of the other individuals who make up their family unit. We live in the greater family of the world, which is also God’s family. It can’t only be about us. We must focus our gaze on the needs and well-being of our brothers and sisters. This whole seeing allows us to see others as God sees them. The Holy Family is the perfect example of how all families can work: our families of origin, the families in which we now find ourselves, and the family of our world. May we look to their example in helping us fine-tune our systems of family life so that God’s presence can truly be revealed in and through them!