We have heard the story of the Good Samaritan so many times. Have we ever realized that it is an enemy and outcast who is the hero of the story? Freed from laws that limit acts of mercy and compassion, the Samaritan becomes the example of how to love God by loving our neighbor. Our minds know what our faith teaches, and our mouths know what words to speak. Ultimately, deep down in our conscience, we know how we ought to act. Yet, as we encounter each new day, do we always do what we are called to do? Our neighbors live next to us and far away. They are down the street, sitting beside us, living in Mexico, Honduras, Ecuador, Guatemala, Poland, Russia, China, Korea, and Iraq. Our neighbors are even found in people who want to hurt us. How do we love them as Jesus asks us to? How we answer this question will determine how much we really love God.