Inspiration – Jul 19

Steven PutmanLiturgy

Grace and sin are found together. As much as our hearts long for union with God, there is always that part of us that resists. As much as I wholeheartedly believe in God, there is a dimension of disbelief with which I also wrestle. Even though we may seek purity and integrity in all of our thoughts, words, and deeds, there is also the path toward weakness and sin that we find ourselves traversing. Just as weeds can easily overtake the best of gardens, so too can weakness and sin overtake and overwhelm a person. The call is to realize the power the weeds of sin have to choke us off from God’s presence. While God allows the wheat and the weeds to exist together, we must keep our eyes fixed on God’s mercy and forgiveness and resist the death that comes from giving way to sin and evil. In God’s time, the eternal harvest will come, and we will no longer have to worry about the weeds. For now, we must be vigilant and regularly seek the assistance of the Master Gardener.