When a merchant finally finds a priceless, perfect pearl, he sells all he has and buys it. He does this because that pearl matters to him. It has significance and brings a depth of joy like none other. What matters and is of importance to you? When what matters to us has something to do with the kingdom of God, God is delighted. His exuberant happiness is hard to contain because He knows that we are happy stumbling upon this beautiful wisdom. Ask God to help you discover this pearl of great price. There are many things competing for our attention every day. But not all of these things are important. We focus too much energy on the unimportant, superficial stuff and neglect paying attention to the things that really make a difference and have the greatest impact. Things all too easily become more significant than people, and our agendas become more essential than God’s. We do not have to empty our bank accounts and totally detach from everything we have in order to serve God. But, we are asked to prioritize our lives and make what matters to God what matters most to us. In doing so, when we rise each day, we will be able to see what really needs our attention and embrace it with great joy!