Inspiration – Mar 1

Steven PutmanLiturgy

We desperately need the season of Lent. Have you ever found yourself running in all directions, tired, frustrated, and frazzled and yearning for the moment when you can stop, find some time for reflection and prayer, and get your head straight? Life pulls us in all directions. On top of that, the presence of sin in our lives gives us blurry vision and makes us forget who we really are. We can easily lose touch with God. Lent gives us the opportunity to return to simpler times and clear away some of life’s clutter. We can change up our routines a bit and realize that Jesus is the one who can set us right with God and restore what was originally meant to be. Our task is to avoid the temptations that can weigh us down, distract us, and distort our vision. Are you aware of what things in your life do this to you? Over the next few weeks, you have an opportunity to avoid them.