“Is the Lord in our midst or not?” Have you ever found yourself asking this question? Finding God’s presence and truly encountering God are not always easy tasks. When we seek God only with our minds, we risk reducing God to simply an idea rather than meeting him as someone who is real and actually present to us. We all have to wrestle with who we are and what gives our lives purpose and meaning. We can often get confused and misunderstand not only who we are, but who God is. Even the disciples and the Samaritan woman at the well missed the point Jesus was trying to make. There is only one person who can satisfy the deepest yearnings and longings of our hearts. Only Jesus can lead us to truth and provide the water that can quench our thirst. Each of us, not only with our heads but with our hearts, must come to see that Jesus is the Savior of the world. It is only when we can honestly make this confession that we will know God is truly present.