Inspiration – Mar 25

Steven PutmanLiturgyLeave a Comment

Today some of the most poignant themes of human life come into clear central focus: the feeling of being praised and honored, fear, anxiety, betrayal, despair, doubt, uncertainty, trust, hope, sadness, separation, suffering, death, determination, and courage. These are the emotions and realities that every human being wrestles with often. Jesus, the Son of God, encounters them all. As we journey through life, we have to confront the existential meaning of each of these things. How do they fit into the bigger picture? Jesus shows us most clearly that even those things we fear the most lose their power when we discover that we are being led to new life. Suffering is redemptive. Sin and death give way to grace and life and God’s unconditional love conquers all. May we see in Jesus’ Way of the Cross the path of truth we all must follow.

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