Inspiration – Nov 4

Steven PutmanLiturgyLeave a Comment

Love of God and love of neighbor are intimately bound together. You cannot have one without the other. Who are my neighbor and how do I love them? It is easy to confess with our lips that we love our neighbor. But how does this get translated into action? Our neighbors are not only those who live around us or are most familiar to us. Everyone is our neighbor: those who are foreign to us, those who have come here illegally, those who have hurt us, those we envy, those we take for granted, and those who are poor. Embracing humanity in all of its forms is not always an easy task, and doing so can quickly take us out of our comfort zones. Working for justice, as God desires, often means adjusting how much I can have and sacrificing our wants and desires. The very image of God is on the faces of our neighbors, and our face can be found there as well. How much do we really love them?

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