Inspiration – Oct 18

Steven PutmanLiturgy

In the time of Jesus, a Roman coin bore the image of Caesar and it was precisely this coin that was returned to the emperor in the form of tax. What bears God’s image? Scripture tells us that human beings are made in the likeness and image of God. In truth, however, all of creation, even the entire universe, is fashioned in the image of God! Everything radiates Divine Presence and the spark and essence of God’s very life exists in all things. God breathes the life of Himself into all things. If we have to give back to civil authorities what speaks to them, then what do we give back to God? While the answer is simple, the implications are profound. We are asked to give back to God our very selves! Ultimately, all creation is in the process of returning to God and is on a journey of finding its final truth and essence in Him. As we continue that journey, all we have, all we are, all we see, and all we are responsible for must be offered back to Him. God is the beginning and the end of all things. Do our lives reflect this Divine allegiance?