Do we really understand how important our relationships with our brothers and sisters throughout the world truly are? Many give God’s commandment to love your neighbor and yourself a congenial glance of approval and agreement without really thinking about the implications. Sometimes it is easier to kneel in reverence before the tabernacle in a church than to kneel in reverence before the tabernacle of another person’s soul. Witnessing and being consumed by the Divine Power alive in the heart of every living being transforms not only how we see our brothers and sisters but how we see God Himself. The cries of the poor and those who are hurting must echo in our hearts. We can no longer be deaf to the world’s pain. It is no longer acceptable to judge others, unduly criticize, or marginalize, neglect, abuse, manipulate, or participate in the exploitation of anyone! We are asked to become hypersensitive to not only what we are doing, but why we are doing it. This holds true not only with regard to the daily conduct of our lives but our economic and corporate relationships and policies as well.