Mar 18 | Open Church, Penance and TV Mass, Father Jones

Steven PutmanNews

Due to growing concerns, ongoing medical advice, as well as continuing local and state government restrictions in social settings to limit the rapid spread of the Coronavirus, COVID-19, all public Masses in the Diocese of Rochester are suspended until further notice. As I hope you can appreciate, these steps are being taken out of a grave concern for the safety and protection of all concerned. This decision is truly grave and imposes a great sacrifice upon our people who deeply love the Sacrament of the Most Holy Eucharist.

Bishop Matano asked all priests in the Diocese to offer Mass each day, without the presence of the faithful, fulfilling our scheduled Mass intentions, as well as praying for you, our parishioners. Please know you will be in my prayers, especially each day when I offer Holy Mass and I encourage you to unite your prayers to mine from your homes as we offer them to God, our Father.

Churches throughout the Diocese will remain accessible for private prayer, pending further regulations and as feasible in local situations, at the discretion of the pastors. In an effort to ensure your safety, while also desirous to nourish your souls, St. Mary’s Church will be open for private prayer the following days and hours:

Sunday-Friday: 7:00am – 7:00pm

Saturday: 1:00pm – 7:00pm

Jesus Christ is truly present, Body, Blood, Soul and Divinity, in the tabernacle. From Him we find consolation and hope. Please consider visiting our Eucharistic Lord throughout the week, and bring Him your concerns, intercessions and love.

To assist your prayer, we are working to provide prayer resources which will be available in the church, including Stations of the Cross so you may pray them by yourselves.

The Celebration of Sacrament of Penance will continue as scheduled: 3:30pm on Saturday in the Brennan Chapel. Priests will be available through the closing of the Church for the Sacrament. Please be mindful to maintain a safe distance (6 feet) from others who are praying in the church or waiting in line for Confession. Protocols will be posted in the Church.

Sunday Mass will be recorded on Saturday so that it can be broadcast the following day on the local WETM2 station at 11:00 a.m. This is our weekly practice. This recorded Mass will be available for streaming through the All Saints Parish website and YouTube channel almost immediately after it is recorded and uploaded. The requested intentions for Sunday Mass will be honored.

Cleaning protocols for the Church will be posted in the church and distributed in a separate communication. All events not listed in this publication are cancelled/postponed until further notice. The aforementioned is effective immediately and are in effect until further notice.

 Sincerely yours in Christ,

Rev. Fr. Matthew Jones

Pastor, All Saints, Corning

March 18, 2020

Memorial of St. Cyril of Jerusalem, Bishop and Doctor of the Church