All Saints Parish Memorials:
April, May, June 2018
In Memory of Robert F. Barnum: Phyllis Cuda Barnum
In Memory of Marge Blum: Joseph & Linda Shine
In Memory of Rita Cuda: Don & Barb Price
In Memory of Carmine Darcangelo: Mike & Linda McDonald, Stella Baer, Rae DiGiacomo, Sandra Collins, Ffran Giardina, Carol & Dennis Negri, Anthony & Mary Negri, M/M Steven Forman, Anthony,Jill & Jon Paul Agosta, Joseph & Linda Shine, Doug & Joann Jurisisk, Kathi Gronski, Rosemary Battafarano
In Memory of Carmella DeBlasio: Stella Baer, Barbara Price, Albert Quattrini, Joseph & Linda Shine, M/M Steven Forman, Kathi Gronski
In Memory of Betty Durkin: Joe Durkin
In Memory of Katherine Ellison: Kathi Gronski, Stella Baer, Bob & Pat Beiswenger, Mary Lou Fawcett, Albert Quattrini, Barbara Price
In Memory of Vincent J. Faulisi: Tom & Diane Pierri, Hyder & Mustafa Families
In Memory of Shirley Fernandes: Kathi Gronski, Regina Harzinski, Hilda Allington, Bob & Pat Beiswenger, Margaret McHale, Cora Morehouse
In Memory of Marcella Krevey: Barbara Price, Pat Beiswenger
In Memory of Elsie Micheli: Art & Patricia Markowitz, Joseph & Linda Shine
In Memory of James Murphy: Charles & Sandra Lepkowski
In Memory of Delsores Overstrom: Maureen McCarthy, Joe Durkin
In Memory of Margaret Personius: Joe Durkin
In Memory of Vincent J. Santilli: Thomas & Ulrike Appelt, Charles & Sandra Lepkowski, Mark & Perri Geiser
In Memory of David Seely: Kathi Gronski, Stella Baer, Charles & Sandra Lepkowski
In Memory of Della Spart: Tom & Diane Pierri, Hyder & Mustafa Families
In Memory of Conrad Stemski: Gene Tunney & Family, Tom & Diane Pierri, Marge Duffey, Kathi Gronski
In Memory of Adam Trybus: Sandra Seely
In Memory of Sylvia Webster: Ahmed & Karen Mustafa
In Memory of Earl Whitney: David & Debra Holmes, Eileen Hultzman, Arthur Pesoli, Bob & Pat Beiswenger, Marge Duffey, Phyllis Cuda Barnum, Aggie Hyder, Martha Benjamin, Angelina Grinnell, Don & Barb Price
In Memory of Alfred Wilcox: Barbara Price, M/M James McClure, Arthur Pesoli, Marge Duffey, Tom & Diane Pierri