All Saints Parish Memorials
July, August, September 2019
In Memory of Marie Ambrosone: Pat Beiswenger, Maureen & Jane Connaughton, Barbara Price
In Memory of Everett Brazie: Keith and Cathy Bertah
In Memory of Phyllis Corso: Hyder & Mustafa Families, Pat Beiswenger, Donna Keegan
In Memory of Anne Marie Dietrick: Kathi Gronski
In Memory of Louise Fernandes: Phyllis Cuda Barnum, Barbara Price, Mike & Linda McDonald, Marge Duffey, Marge Petro, Mike & Teresa Graham
In Memory of Daniel Ginnane: Mike & Teresa Graham
In Memory of Johanna Hetlan: Gene Tunney and Family, Barbara Price, Lois Capolupo, Kathi Gronski, Mike & Teresa Graham, Laura Pfaltzgraff
In Memory of Gertrude Horigan: Jane C. Cole, Barbara Price, Nancy Shinners
In Memory of George Jamison: Ann Whitney, Susan Kelley, Maureen Connaughton, Barbara Price, Mike & Teresa Graham
In Memory of Helen Klokus: Kathi Gronski
In Memory of Timothy Lanahan: James Kruidenter
In Memory of Marilyn Merola: Barbara Price, Pat Sementilli & Daughters, Antonietta Palumbo
In Memory of Carol Midey: Barb & Don Price
In Memory of Eloise Miller: Phyllis Cuda Barnum, Mike & Linda McDonald, Mike & Teresa Graham
In Memory of Janet Pierri: Kathi Gronski
In Memory of Tenninie & Pasetti: Family
In Memory of Joseph J. Ruocco: Lillian Ruocco