Ordinary Moments – Apr 22

Steven PutmanLiturgyLeave a Comment

During the Easter season, we reflect on being followers of the stone that the builders rejected, the crucified and risen Jesus. Like a shepherd he leads us by his voice that echoes throughout the centuries and remains real and effective even in our modern world. To be his disciple means to risk rejection in a similar way as he experienced. The shepherd will not lead his lambs into danger, but there is danger all around us regardless.

Everyday Stewardship can be something we talk about in the abstract or a way of living we simply wish we could follow. It can be an imperfect reality that at times places us in direct conflict with the world. As we decrease and Jesus increases in us, many will be drawn to the love and compassion that flows through us. However, some will see us for fools and will suggest we are ridiculous. Cultivating our gifts for God’s sake and the total surrender of all we possess and have become to God is not wise in some eyes. Either they think we are crazy, or, just maybe at times, the example of our lives causes them to question their own values.

If you give a little, you will be admired. If you give a lot, you will be celebrated. If you give it all, you can be rejected. Not everyone will have this negative reaction. Some will see your example and will seek to do the same. They will then join you in following the shepherd. They will become a true sign of Jesus Christ to the world. But their conversion of heart begins with you and your example.

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