Ordinary Moments – Aug 25

Steven PutmanLiturgyLeave a Comment

Get to Know Jesus

When I speak and write, I mention my family quite often. Those of you who have been reading these reflections for the past 5+ years – or who have read my books – may think you know them. When I travel, I do get asked about my family by those who have entered my life through the words on a page. My hope is that by sharing stories about my family and life the reader gets a chance to see himself or herself in the story as well. Then the point being made in the article or reflection can take on stronger meaning because it hits home. However, no matter how much I write about my family and how much you read about them, you will only have a glimpse as to the real people. It will take an actual relationship with one of them to get you to the point where you can say you know them.

That is the same way with Jesus. First, more Catholics need to read more and learn more about Jesus. Bible studies should be the norm and not the exception in our lives. Second, too many of us in the Church can explain who Jesus is from our past formation classes and reading, but we do not actually know him. Jesus is not a topic, a theological term, or simply an historical figure. He is a real being who is alive! He is not dead, but alive! He calls us to do more than read about him. He calls us into an intimate relationship with him. We grow in relationship with Jesus by worshipping at the Mass, spending time with him in adoration, resting in him in the quiet, and by having the Jesus in us meet the Jesus in others. If you do not know him personally, get to know him. I would love for you all to meet my family in person someday, but I would much rather you get to know Jesus instead.

-Tracy Earl Welliver, MTS

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