Ordinary Moments – Aug 5

Steven PutmanLiturgyLeave a Comment

As human beings, we seem to have a wide array of insatiable desires. We long for more money, more time, and more stuff. We spend millions of dollars each year on remedies for our overeating. We look to our neighbors to see what they have that we want so we can keep up with them in the race toward happiness. We look for instant gratification only to find that our hunger for whatever it is remains intact.

Stewardship is the pathway to curbing all those cravings. On this journey, we let go of things that keep us tied down to this world and tied up in our sin. All that we have becomes instruments for God to use in our lives and the lives of our neighbors. When we have detached from enough in this world, we find out the truth: Nothing on earth can truly satisfy our cravings completely. Jesus Christ is the sole answer for our needs and desires.

Although the truth is right in front of us at each and every Mass in the Eucharist, we can easily spend our days in denial of that truth. It takes trust to step out in faith and give it all over to God. We are all called to let go and let God be God. Answering the call is easier said than done. However, if we can finally make that bold move, we will find ourselves completed by the One who was with us all along.

–Tracy Earl Welliver, MTS

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