Ordinary Moments – Jun 16

Steven PutmanLiturgyLeave a Comment

The Church is one, holy, catholic, and apostolic. That oneness is mirrored for us in the Holy Trinity: one God in three Persons. We are a diverse community with different backgrounds, cultures, realities, and gifts, but we are truly one. Unfortunately, we too often forget this and function as a fractioned body. We needlessly compete against one another, judge one another as opposed to help, and sit silent when our brothers and sisters call out for help.

When we take seriously our stewardship way of life, we see our lives as not truly belonging to ourselves. We want to offer our very existence to God and the Body of Christ. If we find that we are resistant to that fullness of generosity, or we begin to use our gifts in a way that fractures community, we then actively work in contrast to this mark of the Church.

The Church that was established by Jesus and fortified by the institution of the sacraments cannot be destroyed and deprived of Her four marks. The human element may be strained and injured, but not even the gates of hell will prevail against this institution alive in the Spirit. Our actions can either bear witness to that reality or it can bring offense. Let us pray that enough of us will choose the holy way so all the world may see that God is real, Jesus is alive, and we are ONE.

– Tracy Earl Welliver, MTS

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