Ordinary Moments – Mar 17

Steven PutmanLiturgyLeave a Comment

Where do you live? I live in North Carolina. There I pay taxes, own a home, and belong to a parish. North Carolina is in the United States, so I also abide by federal laws, pay taxes, and vote for candidates in all sorts of elections. I identify as an American and try my best to meet certain expectations placed on me by the government, state, and fellow Americans. I do certain things because of my identity.

Paul wrote to the Philippians, “Our citizenship is in heaven.” Being a U.S. citizen living in North Carolina places certain requirements on me. How many of us “citizens of heaven” take seriously the expectations and requirements of that citizenship? Sometimes we act like nothing is truly required of us.

Stewardship as a way of life requires us to take seriously what it means to be a citizen of heaven. We are called to follow the laws of the land we live in on this earth, but we are called to adhere to an even greater authority. Whether it be our call to act with charity and love or to follow the precepts of the Church, we must take seriously our status as citizen.

Unfortunately, many don’t take seriously their citizenship on this earth either. People have given their very lives so that we may have to freedom to be citizens of our country and our state. Of course, many people have died for the citizenship of heaven as well. So it comes down to the question, who are you and to whom do you belong?

-Tracy Earl Welliver, MTS

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