Ordinary Moments – Mar 31

Steven PutmanLiturgyLeave a Comment

So you never have been that serious about a stewardship way of life? It’s not that you have been greedy or unloving toward others. You give of yourself when you determine there is a real need. However, you haven’t intentionally worked toward surrendering all you are, all you have, and all you do to your God. It’s hard because when you compare yourself to others, you seem pretty good. You aren’t some prodigal child who needs to return to God because you have lived a life full of sin and selfishness.

Yet, there lies the problem. We can easily feel we aren’t so bad, so why change anything? We can lull ourselves into a belief that we will probably get to heaven, therefore why do more? Assurance of salvation is another topic, but basically we can look at our life as a series of transactions with God.

However, we shouldn’t determine our actions based upon what we get. The actions of a loved one are due to the love for one’s beloved. Jesus gave his life out of love for us. He has shown us what complete surrender looks like. He does not need our surrender but wants it because that is what those in love do. This Lent, perhaps our prayer should not be to simply be better stewards, but to love Him more. Then our motivation will not be based upon what we should do but on what we are moved to do out of love.

-Tracy Earl Welliver, MTS

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