Ordinary Moments – May 13

Steven PutmanLiturgy

We are told in Scripture that in the early Church, as the first disciples went about preaching the Good News, their words were confirmed by “accompanying signs.” Miracles such as healings, prophecies, and the like occurred so that others might see and believe. Jesus’ disciples now continued the ministry that Jesus had begun while he walked the earth in the flesh.

We certainly do believe that miracles still occur in our world, but few of us see amazing healings and works of wonder with our own eyes. We read of a time of frequent miracles, and we wonder what it must have been like to be there during those events. We can easily fall into the trap of seeing biblical times as something far removed from ourselves and in the distant past.

However, in the places we go and to the people we meet in this world, we are the signs. We give testimony to the power of the Good News, and we serve as living examples of God’s work in the world. When others hear about how God has changed your life and they see the evidence of a profound love that many around them do not exhibit, they can find themselves wondering what made you this way. What made you that way is the power of Jesus Christ and that is as real now as it was 2,000 years ago.

–Tracy Earl Welliver, MTS