Ordinary Moments – May 5

Steven PutmanLiturgyLeave a Comment

I am struck by how Jesus addresses the disciples in the 21st chapter of John. They have been fishing all night, and when the dawn comes, Jesus asks, “Children, have you caught anything to eat?” They hadn’t caught a thing, so he tells them what to do to finally fill their nets. These children thought they knew best, but they couldn’t get the job done until they listened to Jesus. Like a child who needs a parent, these early followers of Jesus were learning that real maturity of faith requires trusting in and listening to the Teacher.

The stewardship way of life demands of us a certain maturity of discipleship. Just as a child is not yet ready to be a parent, an immature disciple may not yet be ready to sacrifice regardless of the cost or understand the true value of his generosity. So every day, we are challenged and called to respond, sometimes even with little cost to ourselves. But each step, no matter how small, brings with it growth. We are growing not only in maturity, but in the ability to trust in God and how to listen for the call as well.

How mature are you in your faith? How much trust do you have in Jesus Christ? How often do you pause to listen to the instructions of your Teacher? The night is now over, and the dawn is upon you. Reflect on the visible fruit of your stewardship, and then listen for the words of Jesus.

– Tracy Earl Welliver, MTS

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