In Memory of Brunhilda Adamowicz—Kathi Gronski; Barbara Price;
In Memory of Robert F. Barnum—Phyllis (wife) Barnum;
In Memory of Joseph Butterazzi— Anna Jean Delominicis; Dresser Rand Employee Org.;
In Memory of Frances Hickey Cookson—Maureen Miller;
In Memory of Emma Cornelius—Barbara Price;
In Memory of Walter Cunningham—Earl & Ann Whitney, Bill & Shelia Spat; Joseph & Linda Shine;
In Memory of Rose Darcangelo—Mary T. Darcangelo; Gary & Babette Thornton, Jim & Donna Kraft;
In Memory of Angelina DiRuocco—Corrado & Antonieta Palumbo;
In Memory of Rita Donnelly—Kathi Gronski;
In Memory of Beatrice Duquette—Barbara & Donald Price;
In Memory of John Forni, Sr.—Pat & Sharon Tammaro; Pat & Bob Beiswenger;
In Memory of Helen Mary Fratarcangelo—David Bartone, Linda Harnas, Michael Bartone; Barbara Price; Kathi & Steve Gronski; Arthur Pesoli; M/M David Holmes; Joseph & Linda Shine;
In Memory of Jean Garvey—Kathi Gronski; Mary & John Cain; Pauline Ambrosone;
In Memory of Geri Galvin—Maureen Miller;
In Memory of Carl Gehres—Phyllis Barnum;
In Memory David Healy—Dianne Recotta;
In Memory of Madeline Knapp—James R. Kirk;
In Memory of Mary Hickey McClare—Maureen Miller;
In Memory of Micheline McKinney—Charles & Sandra Lepkowski;
In Memory of Joseph F. Nares—M/M Richard Faulisi & Family; Margaret Duffey;
In Memory of Ginny Polo—Margaret Duffey;
In Memory of Arthur Post—Pat & Bob Beiswenger; Joseph & Linda Shine;
In Memory of Rocco Puccio—Corrado & Antonietta Palumbo;
In Memory of Robert Riey—Pat & Bob Beiswenger;
In Memory of Alta Russell—Barb & Don Price;
In Memory of Gloria Snell—Albert Quattrini;
In Memory Carrie Lee Sorge—Arthur Pesoli;
In Memory of Elizabeth “Betty” Tunney—Frances Nitsche;
In Memory of Gwen Warnunek—Barbara Price;