Sacred Thinking by Mike Denz
Grandpa Joe stopped by his daughter’s house one winter evening to visit with the family. He had brought a lollipop to give to his granddaughter, 4-year-old Zoe. Grandpa Joe sat down on the couch, smiled at Zoe and said hello. Zoe stood by her mom, clutching her leg tightly. Grandpa said he had a surprise for her that he knew she would like. Zoe squeezed her mom’s leg tighter. Grandpa reached into his inside jacket pocket and pulled out a big grape lollipop, as his daughter had told Joe that Zoe’s favorite flavor was grape. Zoe, however, only moved behind her mom’s leg, peeking out with one eye. Grandpa Joe laughed and said, “I’ll win you over yet, my sweet Zoe, you’ll see”. His daughter apologized to her dad, but he would have none of it. “You were the same way”, he said smiling, “I don’t think you let go of your mother’s leg until you were 5”.
Joe love’s his granddaughter Zoe, even thou she won’t give him the time of day. He has something for her he knows she will like, but she does not trust him. However, he will not give up! He will win her over, one way or another.
This reminds me of Jesus. We so often have trouble trusting Him. Even thou Jesus has everything we need, we doubt. We doubt the Church He gave us. We question the things He allows to happen to us and to others. We clutch onto the things we have, even though Jesus has so much more for us.
When we search our hearts we know we all have trouble trusting to some degree. We are fallen human beings who still struggle with sin. To trust in Jesus is difficult, but Jesus, like Grandpa Joe above, is patient with us. We can come to Him and tell Him our fears. Tell Him our struggles with trust and struggles with believing. Ask Jesus to help you with your trust, your belief.
Go to Jesus every day and eventually… He will win you over.
“Trust in the LORD, and do good; so you will dwell in the land, and enjoy security. Take delight in the LORD, and he will give you the desires of your heart. Commit your way to the LORD; trust in him, and he will act.”
-Psalms 37:3-5