Can you recommend some good books for Lenten spiritual reading?

Steven PutmanQandALeave a Comment

Question: Lent is coming up. Can you recommend some good books for Lenten spiritual reading?

Answer: Lent is a wonderful time to grow in our relationship with God. Examining where you’re at can help you to take the next step. Perhaps it’s been awhile since you prayed consistently. It could be helpful to pray with guided, “bite-sized” Lenten reflections. Many organizations offer emailed reflections during Lent, and numerous books have been published with short reflections for each day of the season. Modern spiritual writers can offer perspectives that are easy to read and relevant to our daily experiences.

Perhaps daily prayer is already a part of your life, and this Lent you’d like to go deeper. Lent can be a great time to pray through a spiritual classic, like Abandonment to Divine Providence, The Imitation of Christ, St. Augustine’s Confessions, or books on the spiritual life from saints such as St. Josemaria Escriva, St. Francis de Sales, or St. Teresa of Avila. You may also want to pick up spiritual or Scriptural commentaries on the Passion, the Way of the Cross, or the seven last words of Christ. No matter where you are in your walk, it also doesn’t hurt to go back to the basics. Pick one of the Gospels to meditatively read throughout Lent, timing it to reach the end as Holy Week arrives.

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