Question: If someone is interested in becoming a priest, how does he go about it?
Answer: Discerning a vocation can happen in any number of ways. It might come as a surprise to the person called or to family or friends. Sometimes it is a gradual process, and other times it is as quick and bright as lightning. Regardless of how it starts, a vocation to the priesthood or religious life requires a process of discerning, testing, and preparing. The best place to begin would be with lots of prayer, receiving the sacraments, and attending daily Mass whenever possible. Then talk to your pastor or a priest you know and trust. Your diocese may have a vocation director who can provide you with guidance and information. The Serra Club is also a great resource for information and contacts to help you discern if indeed God is calling you.
Remember that many young Catholic men have considered the priesthood. Some are ordained and others realize this is not their calling. However, we are all called to be of service to others as we practice our faith. These are extraordinary times in which we live, and they require an extraordinary witness to faith and to God’s presence in the world. Our work, our ministry as Catholics, is to be the body of Christ with and for others. The Church needs priests. If God calls you to ordained service in the church, He will provide the grace, direction, and support you need. Just listen and respond with all your heart, mind, and soul.