How does one start from scratch as an adult to develop a relationship with God?

Steven PutmanQandALeave a Comment

Question: My neighbor is just beginning to explore the Catholic faith but was raised agnostic. I grew up believing in God, praying, and attending Mass. How does one start from scratch as an adult to develop a relationship with God?

Answer: Start on a personal level! How did you and your neighbor become friends? How did you begin to discuss such a personal topic as faith? Communication, spending time together, and getting to know each other are essential to forming the bonds of a relationship. Personal prayer is essential to our relationship with God. We can’t be close to someone we don’t know! Invite your friend to explore the stories of Jesus in the Bible. Introduce them to the lives of the saints, especially ones you think they might be interested in.

Your neighbor might also have questions about the Catholic faith that you don’t know how to answer. If your friend hasn’t yet enrolled in RCIA classes, invite them to Mass at your parish. Introduce your friend to the faith formation director to make a connection. Personal support can be helpful as well, especially if few of your neighbor’s current friends are practicing their faith. Connect your neighbor to other people in your parish living their faith well. The good examples of other faithful people could help your neighbor to feel welcomed and supported. Our Church is vibrant and alive!

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