Question: What are the “fruits” of Holy Communion?
Answer: The Eucharist, like all sacraments, offers its own unique grace. We receive a special share in God’s life that helps us in our faith journey. We are given all we need to sustain and nurture our relationship with God. The Eucharist is the source and summit of the Christian life. Everything we are and everything we hope to become is found in this sacrament. It is essential to the life of the church, to each member of the church. Without it, there is no church. The Eucharist is the center of our spiritual life and has enormous effects on our growth, our holiness, and our way of life.
The fruits of Holy Communion are the benefits one receives from the sacrament. These fruits of Holy Communion are discussed in the catechism in the article on the Eucharist. The primary benefit is union with Christ. We become one with him sacramentally, just as we hope to become one with him for eternity. The Eucharist also separates us from sin, both past and future. It forgives the venial sins of the past and, by the love we receive, protects us from mortal sin in the future. The church community is also unified and strengthened by the Eucharist. It unites us to the poor and offers the pledge of eternal life.